I have so much to tell
h've been living in hell
All bad I can spell
But no good to smell
That I feel I am insane
Then he cries and says-
Help me doc please
I think for so long
It makes no sense
What is this life song?
Don't you cry dear,
I am so close, so near,
I will make it all clear.
You will no more fear.
Then doc cries and says-
I was living in hell.
I had so much to tell .
All bad I could smell.
And no good to spell.
I was the same, brother.
We look like each other.
I felt the same,
That I was insane.
But it made sense,
I got my life song.
So shall you brother
We are close, so near ,
We will make it all clear.
We will no more fear.
Then they hug and say-
We will sing together.
We will sing for each other
We are not insane.
We are the gifted.
We are the intelligent.
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