Tuesday, June 15, 2010
गजल ....मोतीपुञ्ज सुरेन्द्र
भेट्नलाई कति गाँठ, बोक्नु भो हजुर।
पराइकै थालमा कती, धोक्नु भो हजुर।
लिएर जानु भो, ब्यापारी कतिकती,
सुस्ता कालापानी मोल, तोक्नु भो हजुर।
उनैलाई भाकल गरी,चुनाव जित्ने दाउ,
कती खसी बोका बली, ठोक्नु भो हजुर।
छन त छन कती,बिस्वभरी हाम्रा साथी,
नाम चाँही पहिले त्यही सोच्नु भो हजुर।
तराजु यो न्यायको,छैन भार बराबरी,
हलुको मै देश राखी तोल्नु भो हजुर।
भेट्नलाई कति गाँठ, बोक्नु भो हजुर।
पराइकै थालैमा कती, धोक्नु भो हजुर।
मोतीपुञ्ज सुरेन्द्र
अन्तत खुलास गर्दछु।तिन बर्षको अथक मिहिनेत पररिस्रम पछी मेरो भाइ पनि अब गजल्मा हात हाल्न थालेको छ।उसको रुची ब्यङ्गतर्फ हो। आफुलाई ब्यङ्गकार भन्न रुचाउछ।आज ज्योतिपुञ्ज सुरेशको भाई 'मोतीपुञ्ज सुरेन्द्र' को यो गजल. उसलाई मेरो शुभकामना .गजल प्रस्तुत गर्न चाह्न्छु।
'The story Inside'
'This story of life never ends.The very point it tends to,it begins again.'
'Then I looked into his eyes,the monk who lost his mind,I call him the silent Buddha.'
Don't you see that,those lights mean a lot,the lights among the raindrops,the cool lights which don't extinguish.
You can't trust yourself, so you can't trust me or anybody around
I knew that I had this disease inside my head,knew it for so long.I had this adventurous journey to know what exactly it was.
Sorry to say this bitter truth,you were just a part of the experiment,it was not love,not lust just an experiment.I used you like a placebo to treat my disease..well I knew I was the right medication.
Those puzzles in the case sheet got into my mind my like anything,those numbers,those symbols,those letters haunted me everytime,It was high time I cracked that code…
Doc ,I am your patient,half sane half insance.Do I have right to become a doctor like you?Will they question my sanity?
You are docs,aren't you.Can we be friends?
You pretend to worship the god,don't you.But you don't respect the dead,do you?The dead are watching you from above,you shameless people…
And he babbled,mom,I just got hurt by brother.Am I gonna die?
There are these people who prepare for a war with a guns and gun bullets here I was ready for the inner war,a capsule my bullet,loaded with a magic powder, my gun powder,my courage, my gun.
Those saviours of dignity those in this thin line between sanity and insanity will save the world..
We had the same disease,he feared contamination of hands,me contamination of mind.
My mind was like an open book.The bullshit world scrapped some shit on it.Its high time I wrote my story on my own.
You can't go to heaven without going through hell and its all in our mind...
The psychiatrist wasn't dumb,he was just confused.Human mind is so complicated after all..
They say,psychiatrists go insane in their clinical practice.I would love to be a patient to,what an honour.
Every doctor has a patient inside,Every patient has a doctor iniside.
गजल चोखो थियो छवी ,लाग्यो आज दाग कस्तो! सोच भयो बेग्लै , लाग्यो आज भाग कस्तो।
चोखो थियो छवी ,लाग्यो आज दाग कस्तो!
सोच भयो बेग्लै , लाग्यो आज भाग कस्तो।
साँचो गजल त्यो,मिठै लाग्यो लेखेपछी,
गाएँ सुर छैन ,लाग्यो आज राग कस्तो!
नबोलेर झुटो,आधा सत्य खोलिदिएँ ,
कालकुटै तिम्रो,लाग्यो आज माग कस्तो!
झुक्किने झुक्याउने, खेलै जीवनजुवा,
कोइली त्यो हिजो,लाग्यो आज काग कस्तो!
पचाउन सिकेँ ,डस्नेहरु आए गए ,
ऐनामाचैं देखेँ,लाग्यो आज नाग कस्तो!
ज्योतिपुञ्ज सुरेश
गजल दिन्छौ कती दु:ख,भुललाई सोधी हेरेँ। प्यासी तिमी आँफै,मुललाई सोधी हेरेँ।
दिन्छौ कती दु:ख,भुललाई सोधी हेरेँ।
प्यासी तिमी आँफै,मुललाई सोधी हेरेँ।
काँडा भएपछी,गुलाफ कती प्यारा,
टाँसी हेर्नु यता,सूललाई सोधी हेरेँ।
वारी म छु यता,पारी पुग्नलाई हिंडे,
भत्के पुग्ने कता,पुललाई सोधी हेरेँ।
चर्चा ठुलै यहाँ,मान्छेहरु कस्ताकस्ता,
गल्ती भयो फेरी ,हुललाई सोधी हेरेँ।
पत्र लाग्छ राम्रो,केसरी त झनै,
जरा कस्तो लाग्छ,फूललाई सोधी हेरेँ।
ज्योतिपुञ्ज सुरेश
गजल लेख्न कति बाँकी, कथा आँफैभित्र। खेप्न कति बाँकी ,कथा आँफैभित्र।
लेख्न कति बाँकी, कथा आँफैभित्र।
खेप्न कति बाँकी ,कथा आँफैभित्र।
जहाँ हुन्छ अन्त्य,त्यहीबाट सुरु,
भेट्न कति बाँकी, कथा आँफैभित्र।
दुबै आँखा आज ,चिम्ली हेरेपछी,
देख्न कति बाँकी, कथा आँफैभित्र।
भिजे धेरै पाना,लेख्दा कतिचोटि,
सेक्न कति बाँकी, कथा आँफैभित्र।
निभ्न दिनु हुन्न,ज्योतिपुञ्ज जीवन
छेक्न कति बाँकी, कथा आँफैभित्र।
सगीतकार टिका भण्डारीबाट गजल एल्बम 'कथा आँफैभित्र' को लागि संगीत हुँदै गरेको मुल गजल।उपन्यास 'कथा आँफैभित्र' को सार गजल।।गाएन गजल एक महिनामा पुरा गर्ने लक्ष्य।
ज्योतिपुञ्ज सुरेश
प्रमाण के जुटाउने, भगवान त्यो कहाँ छ?
आफ्नो मन पत्थरै भो,मन्दिरमा जोगाउने,
काँच बाँकी फुटाउने,भगवान त्यो कहाँ छ?
मार्नेचाहिँ हाँसेकै छ , मर्नेबाँच्ने रुवाएर,
दुखियाकै लुटाउने,भगवान त्यो कहाँ छ?
मान्छेमान्छे छुटाउने,भगवान त्यो कहाँ छ?
प्रमाण के जुटाउने, भगवान त्यो कहाँ छ?
गजल-सहमती देखाउन ,मेला भयो आज। बाघैसँग स्याल हेर, भेला भयो आज
बाघैसँग स्याल हेर, भेला भयो आज।
केर्नलाई केरे भै'गो बुँदा चाहेजती,
रमाउँला 'प्याकेज'मै, बेला भयो आज।
लाटा अरु सबै, आँफै बाठो जिन्दाबाद,
कोचाही यहाँ गुरु को,चेला भयो आज।
सकुनिको पासाजस्तो,पल्टिरा'छ देश,
हार्नेलाई जिताउने, खेला भयो आज।
नपाएसी मासुपनि मिठो हुन्न कि त,
छिमेकिले हाडै फ्याकी देला भयो आज।
सुनहिरा पकाएरै खा'का छन ठुलाहरु,
गरीबलाई हातभरी ,ठेला भयो आज।
'We are free,We are free'
He was three.
Then he was lost,
I am twenty four,
He is no more;.
He is lost,
He is free.
Am thinking,
Where did they burry,
Took away in hurry.
As if he were dead.
Where is that body?
Where is that head?
I wonder,I wish,I could
Dig him out of the grave
And make him alive
Alive againWith my life.
I would look for the bones
Assemble them together
Put everything of mine
The flesh and the blood
The vessels and nerves
And the soul out of me
We would share for sometime
Half with him, half with me
For I want some time with him
And then he would get up,
And we would hug each other
For a long time,after so long
An then we could talk
About how we ate
Ate in the same plate
But got lost by fate
We would play again
The same old game
Hide and seek
Which we played for so long
The last one when
I was three and he was four
Where something went wrong
As It took me so long to find
As If were blind
But he was there in my mind
Deep inside my head
And so I was in his
And we would sing,
Playing hide and seek
The same old game
'We are free,We are free'
There would come time then
Time to part again
Time to say good bye
For he has to live full soul
I can't let him live half
There in his arms would I lie
And then die in peace
would ask him his age,
Write it on a page.
And give it to him
And say,
To never forget,
That we met,
When I was twenty four,
and you were twenty three.
That you were found,
After a long hide and seek
you were alive,
Alive and sound.
I Would write in the bottom
time to leave
We have a story to write
Story about this hide and seek
The story inside
And you should continue
Make it complete.
Send me a copy if you can
Wherever I am
I would read his last lines
'When I was born,he was one
When he was four I was three
We were free,he and me
Then we played this hide and seek
which got wrong
I got lost, I got blind
but he found me
and I was Twenty three.
But he is lost, I shall find
Bring him alive
I would think as I die,
What if ,
He were three And me four
forever and forever
What if,
We never grew
Together we flew
Together free
Played the same old game
The hide and seek
Again and again
To be found ,Never to be lost again
And sing the same old song
Forever and forever
'We are free,We are free'
jyotipunja suresh
Thursday, June 10, 2010
आऊ सधैं सपनीमा, अझै परीसरी। भएजस्तो आँफैभित्र, तिमी वरिपरि। --गजल
भएजस्तो आँफैभित्र, तिमी वरिपरि।
जुनै रोयो कतिकती,तारा झनै बढी,
आकाशै पो रोयो अनि,पर्यो झरीझरी।
उडी जाने रहर कती,प्वाँखै छैन तर,
टाढा टाढा डुलिहिड्छे,मन चरीचरी।
बिर्सीजाने को पर्यो,सम्झिर'ने को छ,
पालैपालो दुबैजना, आज घरीघरी।
अर्धचेतन मनमा बसी,जाने अमर भो,
बाँच्नेचाँही बाँचेँकै छ सधैं मरीमरी।
ज्योतिपुञ्ज सुरेश
The cute little masters
And finally they are out,
Those cute little masters ,
After so long in mothers' womb.
Ready for the new world out,
After so much of pain,
pain to the mothers,the labour pains.
We were one of them.
Born fresh born, so pure.
Through so many twists and turns.
Process so complicated.
Drenched all in blood .
Like these cute little masters
They cry as they are born,
Cry for what reason nobody sure.
Maybe for they miss inside.
But now in the cruel world,
Mabe for pain to the mothers,
May be for the labour pains.
They cry without tears and
They yawn,they sneeze
They play ,they babble after sometime
And then there is this time,
They smile,they laugh after some days
A smile after cry.
A laughter after cry.
And make people smile around.
Make them laugh,make them happy.
Have you ever thought?
What they think about?
What they feel like?
Think about themselves,think about us?
Feel about us, think about us,
May be they think a lot,
May they feel a lot.
A lot more than we do.
And they understand ,more than us.
But they never speak.
They just cry,they just smile.
And they teach,
These cute little masters.
There are these other kind,
Those unborn.
Those who are born but die.
What about them?
They are masters too.
The cute little masters,
Apparently dead but still alive.
Those who sacrifice their lives.
Who don’t want to come ,
to the world outside.
What do you say,
About those twists and turns,
In the process so complicated.
About us ,aren't they ?
About lifeline we walk through,
And those cry, those labour pains
They are about us, arent they?
And that blood shed,
They are about us. Aren't they?
They never speak.
As if they never think.
But they actually do.
And they do speak.
Those mysterious thoughts.
'Life so complicated'
They teach,they make us learn.
The world isn't beautiful enough.
The world not at peace..
The world not happy enough.
These cute little masters,
Change as time passes.
Changed by this world outside.
Their mind infiltrated.
Everything changes ,
The way they think.
The way they feel.
They speak but never think
They shout but they never feel.
And there are few of them.
Who really try to change,
Change the world inside out.
The way world is.
The way it thinks.
The way it feels.
They speak they shout, they rebel
They rebel to change the world
They teach and they learn
Change the world,
'Let them be pure as they are,
The ones born fresh ,
These cute little masters.'
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
सीमा कोरी सङ्गै बस्न गार्हो भा'छ अचेल।
पानी यतै जम्ने कुरा सार्हो भा'छ अचेल।
गाउँ बस्ती बग्ने हो कि,पै'रो ठुलै हजुर,
भिरपाखो घरै हाम्रो, तारो भा'छ अचेल।
घाऊ पहाड तराइ, हिमालको छुट्टै जस्तो,
बग्ने एकै रगतको धारो भा'छ अचेल।
सुनाउनु दुनियाँलाई,शान्त लाग्छ नेपाल,
उडाएको जस्तो आफ्नै छारो भा'छ अचेल।
साईनोको के काम,अब जीव परिजिवीको,
छिमेकी हो नाता अरे,फारो भा'छ अचेल।
सानो माछा हामी भये,ठुलोलाई ठुलै अर्को ,
बत्तीपुतली ऊ 'थ्यो छेपारो भा'छ अचेल।
सीमा कोरी सङ्गै बस्न गार्हो भा'छ अचेल।
पानी यतै जम्ने कुरा सार्हो भा'छ अचेल।
ज्योतिपुञ्ज सुरेश
सिमानामा सबैजना, खटाउने पालो अब!
कोही माथि कोही तल हुने कै'ले सरोबरी?
मेचीदेखी महाकाली, अटाउने पालो अब!
हेर्दाचाहिँ फूलपात,बिष लाग्छ डसेपछी,
सर्पलाई डाँडापारी, कटाउने पालो अब!
ठुलै चौटा खान पाये,रमाउथ्यो नाचीनाची,
झोलै पिरो उसैलाई, चटाउने पालो अब!
धेरै भयो धोकेबाजी,हिसाबकिताब नयाँ,
पाउनेको गुमाउनेले,घटाउने पालो अब।
मिलाउने हात आए,अङ्गालो छ धेरैधेरै,
ढोग्नेढोगाउने छैन, रटाउने पालो अब!
आपसमा बैरभाव, हटाउने पालो अब।
सीमानामा सबैजना, खटाउने पालो अब।
ज्योतिपुञ्ज सुरेश
Saturday, June 5, 2010
सुहाएको लौन कती फूली हजुरलाई।
सितल सबै हिमाल चुली हजुरलाई।
परिचय गरौँ भन्दा,लजाएर झुकेपछी,
नामचाँही राखिदिएँ ,ठुली हजुरलाई।
नानीभित्र दरबार छ,दैलो परेलीकै, ,
आँसुसाँचो हातैमा लौ,मुली हजुरलाई।
आँखाभित्र बसे कती,मनै खाली तर,
सिँहासनै आज दिएँ, हुली हजुरलाई।
मनमात्रै होइन यो,अर्धचेतन तिम्रो,
सोचाइमा खेलाउँछु ,डुली हजुरलाई।
याद गर्नु कसैलाई, रोगै मिठो हुन्छ,
निको भए बाँच्ने छैन,भुली हजुरलाई।
सुहाएको लौन कती, फूली हजुरलाई।
सितल सबै हिमाल, चुली हजुरलाई।
गजल बाँकी आगो जति, मलाई देऊ अब। झिल्का तिमी आँफै, जलाई देऊ अब।
बाँकी आगो जति, मलाई देऊ अब।
झिल्का तिमी आँफै, जलाई देऊ अब।
फूलपातको के कुरा,पत्थरको के कुरा,
सुन आज भन्छौ , गलाई देऊ अब।
धुँवाधुँवा जीवन,उडाउन पायेपछी,
पिउन मजा कति, सलाई देऊ अब।
रापै लाग्छ प्यारो,तापै लाग्छ प्यारो,
फुक बेलाबेला , चलाई देऊ अब।
सिँची हेर्नु माटो, खरानी यो छरेपछी,
ज्योतिपुञ्ज नयाँ फलाई देऊ अब।
आज गालीव गुरु।
मिठो गजल सुनाउँछु, आज गालीव गुरु।
कथा यो गुनगुनाउँछु, आज गालीव गूरु।
लेख्नलाई गजल कती,नियालेर हेरेँ आँफै,
ऐनामै सिर झुकाउँछु, आज गालीव गुरु।
हाँसे ओठ एकातिर,रोये आँखा त्यही बेला,
आसुँ पहिले सुकाउँछु, आज गालीव गुरु।
बुझेँ बल्ल जीवनगजल,गाउने पालो अब,
मौरी भै भुनभुनाउँछु, आज गालीव गुरु।
अँध्यारो त्यो मान्छे किन,भयो ज्योतिपुञ्ज,
भेटी कथा यो फुकाउँछु, आज गालीव गुरु।
ज्योतिपुञ्ज सुरेश
उर्दु साहित्यका शिखरपुरुश मिर्जा गालीवप्रती समर्पित।
Friday, June 4, 2010
गजल माया मात्र होइन आज,गाली प्यारो लाग्छ। त्यही गाली आफ्नो ठानेँ,ताली प्यारो लाग्छ।
माया मात्र होइन आज,गाली प्यारो लाग्छ।
त्यही गाली आफ्नो ठानेँ,ताली प्यारो लाग्छ।
झुले रहर कतिकति,गजल सङ्गै मेरा,
हिरा मोती भन्दापनि ,डाली प्यारो लाग्छ।
बली चढाइ पुराना ति,नयाँ बिचार अनि,
सोचाइमा ल्याये पनि,खालि प्यारो लाग्छ।
आफुलाई अचेल ला'छ,सङ्खा उसैमाथि,
गोरीभन्दा पनि हजुर,काली प्यारो लाग्छ।
हिजो जानु गइगो क्यारे,भोली देख्ने को छ,
ज्योतिपुञ्जलाई यसैपाली प्यारो लाग्छ।
सुरेश ज्योतिपुञ्ज
गजल खुट्टा चाल्दै गर्नु,तान्नेहरु तानिरहुन्। सोच खुलै हुन्छ,बान्नेहरु बानिरहुन।
खुट्टा चाल्दै गर्नु,तान्नेहरु तानिरहुन्।
सोच खुलै हुन्छ,बान्नेहरु बानिरहुन।
मितै बैरी लाग्छ,भक्त पुग्छ माथि,
ढोग्ने किन्न आफु,मान्नेहरु मानिरहुन।
दुख्न छोड्छ फेरी,लागेपछी धेरै धेरै,
घाऊसङ्ग के डर,हान्नेहरु हानिरहुन।
सोचाइको कुरा न हो,भोगाइको कुरा,
सत्य के झुठ के,जान्नेहरु जानिरहुन।
चर्चा होला ठुलै,पागल कस्ताकस्ता?
ज्योतिपुञ्ज पुरा,ठान्नेहरु ठानिरहुन।
ज्योतिपुञ्ज सुरेश
Thursday, June 3, 2010
गजल - बुझेँ साथी आज,भाषा जिन्दगानी। हर दिन नयाँ,आशा जिन्दगानी।
बुझेँ साथी आज,भाषा जिन्दगानी।
हर दिन नयाँ,आशा जिन्दगानी।
जित भन्दा पनि,हार भयो धेरै,
कपटी सकुनी ,पासा जिन्दगानी।
किनी हेरेँ कति , बेची हेरेँ कति,
मोल कमै भयो ,खासा जिन्दगानी।
जोक्करै भएनि, ठोक्करै खाएनि,
अब एक्का,मिसी,बासा जिन्दगानी।
ज्योतिपुञ्ज सुरेश
हुन त बादशाहा हो तर हामी चलनचल्तिमा 'बाशा' नै भन्छौ। अब काफिया स्विकार्य हुने हो कि होइन?सुझाब पाउँ।
Everybody has right
Everybody has right ,
Right to talk.
Right to walk.
But its upto you.
How you walk.
how you talk.
What words to choose,
To convey your thoughts
What sense to make.
What waves to create.
Whether true or fake.
Angles who look today,
demons they might be .
demons who look today,
Angels they might be .
Dig inside out
Its all in your mind,
And you will find.
What is black?
What is white?
Those who lost,
how much they won?
Those who won,
How much they lost?
All matter of time
Whether your or mine
All matter of lifeline,
Depends on how we share,
And how much we care.
What words to choose,
To convey your thoughts
What sense to make.
What waves to create.
Whether true or fake.
Brothers and sisters,
Everybody has right ,
Right to talk.
Right to walk.
But its upto you.
How you walk.
How you talk.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
गजल दिल्ली दरबार जिन्दाबाद,ओली जिन्दाबाद। माकुनेको सरकार टिक्छ,भोली जिन्दाबाद।
दिल्ली दरबार जिन्दाबाद,ओली जिन्दाबाद।
माकुनेको सरकार टिक्छ,भोली जिन्दाबाद।
सिकार नै भयो भन्छे,सिकारीकी बिद्या,
जङ्गलमा छरिएका छन,चोली जिन्दाबाद।
सहनलाई गार्है पर्यो, गर्मी प्रचन्डैको,
मनै धोउँला रगतैमा, खोली जिन्दाबाद।
पराजय मात्रै होइन,गद्धार पनि गाँठे त्यो,
बारुदैमा धर्म ल्याउँछु,घोली जिन्दाबाद।
सरकारमा बस्छस,तँलाई गिरि'जा लौखा,
आउँदैछु लिएर काङ्ग्रेस,टोली जिन्दाबाद।
हिन्दीमा सोधे 'क्या चाहिये,म्याम सुजाता',
छान पर धानमन्त्रीमा,सोली जिन्दाबाद।
बन्दुकवाललाई ठुलै डर,खसे कट्टु गर्ने के?
पुरस्कारको तुना लाउँला,गोली जिन्दावाद।
लडेलडुन मोराहरु,ज्ञान आफ्नै स्रिपेच,
भनिदिउला चिप्लो जिब्रो,बोली जिन्दाबाद।
दिल्ली दरबार जिन्दाबाद,ओली जिन्दाबाद।
माकुनेको सरकार टिक्छ,भोली जिन्दाबाद।
jyotipunja Suresh
देसलाई यतिका बर्षसम्म गाइजात्रामा राख्नेहरुको नामै किटान गरेर आज गाइजात्रा मनाउदैछु।बेमौसम मै सहि।
खुलामञ्च मा छाती ठोकेर यो गजल वाचन गर्ने रहर।
गजल ताराहरु सङ्ग बातै, गरि'रन्छु म त। कालाछिद्रा कतिकति,तरि'रन्छु म त।
ताराहरु सङ्ग बातै, गरि'रन्छु म त।
कालाछिद्रा कतिकति,तरि'रन्छु म त।
दिगो कहाँ हुन्छ,प्रकाश आफ्नो सधैं,
प्रतिकृया आँफै गरी,भरि'रन्छु म त।
छ कि कतै त्यँहा,अध्यारो त्यो ठाउँ,
धरतिमा बेलाबेला,झरी'रन्छु म त।
मान्छेजस्तै तारा परेँ,मर्नु छँदै छ नि,
भय ठुलै आँफैभित्र,मरि'रन्छु म त।
चिनिदिनु पर्दैन है,हेरे ज्योति पुग्छ,
दुनियाँको नजरमा,परि'रन्छु म त।
चम्किनुछ आफु पनि,चम्काउनु पनि,
ज्योतिपुञ्ज सधैं अब,छरि'रन्छु म त।
गजलमा astronomy ra philosophyko fusion.....
ज्योतिपुञ्ज सुरेश
२०६४ चैत
Written 38 mi
गजल - नहोला कि मिठो ,लय लाग्न थाल्यो। गजल कस्तो भयो,भय लाग्न थाल्यो।
नहोला कि मिठो ,लय लाग्न थाल्यो।
गजल कस्तो भयो,भय लाग्न थाल्यो।
एउटै थिएँ म, बाँकी उनान्सय के ?
गजलमै भेटेँ आँफै,सय लाग्न थाल्यो।
बनाएर हेरेँ कति,सेर आफ्नै कथा,
जिन्दगी यो मंगल,मय लाग्न थाल्यो।
मन्दिरैमा खोजेँ, देउतासङ्गै सोधेँ,
उज्यालो आँफैभित्र,तय लाग्न थाल्यो।
लेख्दै बाँचेको छु, मरुँला नि लेखी ,
संसारै यो गजल,जय लाग्न थाल्यो।
ज्योतिपुञ्ज सुरेश
तब साथी बिचार नयाँ,भने हुन्छ कञ्चन हुन्छ।
मस्तिस्कमन मिलाऊ,कति मिठो गन्थन हुन्छ।
मनमा खेल्छ एउटा कुरा, सोचाइमा अर्कै कुरा,
बिरोधाभास मान्छेभित्रै,त्यही साथी बन्धन हुन्छ।
पोख्नलाई सहि मानिस , ठाउँ समय पनि त्यस्तै
गाँठो पर्ला हजुर फेरी,खोल्न गार्हो झन्झन हुन्छ.।
कालकुटै आउला पै'ले, अमृतचाहिँ अलि पछी,
देउता को,दानब को छ,मिले दुबै मन्थन हुन्छ।
ज्योतिपुञ्ज सुरेश
They say,
you moron,
don't you have brains?
can't you think?
you dumb.
i smile and say.
yeah. i don't.
what aboutt you?
i ask.
do you have one?
are you intelligent?
they say
'yes we are'
we are the ones
we think
and you are dumb.
we feel
you are numb.
we are the intelligent
may yes or maybe not.
just a matter of time.
let me just say,
that i know.
but i never show.
what i am.
waiting for the right time.
wating for the right place.
waiting for the right person.
and i will definitely tell.
everybody will
I can think and feel.
I will definitely show.
you will definitely know.
who is dumb?
who is intelligent?
The world knows,
how they all lived,
as king and queen.
prince and the royals.
how they bowed when asked.
some people thought,
they were gods.
but they were not,
for they weren't immortals,
And there was this time,
when they died.
each of them killed.
killed by their own,
as some people said,
The prince was insane,
for he was in love.
mind hid he lose,
weapons did he have,
addicted he was,
by the mysterious,
black substance.
shot them one by one,
and he was gone.
thirteen of them died.
many more injured.
but after all,
its said by those,
who surivived.
what if they were bribed.
by those who actuallly killed.
killed fora reason,
ALL those insane
and he was a scapegoat.
the prince alone.
and what about that
black susbtance?
everybody knows who gave,
he does still live.
and what about those weapons,
he had,who gave.
Times changed and many forgot,
those Thirteen ghosts still haunt,
in the palace brought down.
brought down a reason,
by someone who still lives.
the one who was overthrown
the living host king.
Dont you hear them?
dONT YOU fear them?
They cry all the time.
ask what was their mistake
and there is this prince
who yells
why was he a scapegoat?
dont you hear them
dont you hear them
those thriteen ghosts,
each of their bellows.
Times changed
there were thirteen thousands more
those children,those men,women
some who killed and got killed
some who never did
those innocents, who died
many who killed still live
live for a reason
live with pride
curse those thirteen thousands
again and again.
and here they are.
those thirteen ghosts.
who live with them,
sing together,dance together,
with those thirteen thousands.
but they are royals no more,
they are like them
the ghosts.
they haunt us all the time,
those thirteen thousand ghosts.
those thirteen royal ghosts.
don't you hear them?
don't you fear them?
those dead still alive,
live deep inside our head.
Sincere condolence to the brutally massacred royal family and the Nepali people who died in a decade.... long war.
home town-Nuwakot,kathmandu
jipmer medical college
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
गजल न त वार भो, न त पार भो। न त जीत भो, न त हार भो।
न त वार भो, न त पार भो।
न त जीत भो, न त हार भो।
कहाँ सुनायेँ, कथा जीवन,
न त पुरा भो, न त सार भो।
श्वास फेरुँ कि,रोकुँ अब म,
न त धुँवा भो, न त खार भो।
शब्द छ एकै , जे लेखे पनि,
न त दुई भो, न त चार भो।
माया छ आज,टाढा जो भयो,
न त कम भो, न त भार भो।
कविता लेख्यो,गजल लेख्यो,
न त कवि भो,न त 'कार भो।
ज्योतिपुञ्ज सुरेश
Monday, May 31, 2010
गजल - बौ'लाउन मजा हुन्छ,पागल भएर हेर। चिन्नलाई धरती यो,बादल भएर हेर।
बौ'लाउन मजा हुन्छ,पागल भएर हेर।
चिन्नलाई धरती यो,बादल भएर हेर।
पुछ्नलाई सजिलैछ,झरिहाले आसुँ कतै,
आँखैनेर बसी हेर,गाजल भएर हेर।
आवाज होला बेसुरा,बजाएर सुनेपछी,
खरी हाले भईहाल्छ,मादल भएर हेर।
अलिअलि खोक्रो मान्छे,अलिअलि भरी,
घुनलागेपनी साथी ,चामल भएर हेर।
सुरेश ज्योतिपुञ्ज
ढोँगी आज, बाबा भयो,पत्याउने मान्छे कस्ता। तातो तेल,सत्य माथि,खत्याउने मान्छे कस्ता। गजल
ढोँगी आज, बाबा भयो,पत्याउने मान्छे कस्ता।
तातो तेल,सत्य माथि,खत्याउने मान्छे कस्ता।
गाढ्या लास, बिउँताउने,बन्दुकैले मन्त्र हानी,
राजा द्यौता,बुद्ध दैत्य,लत्याउने मान्छे कस्ता।
नबस है,भनेकै हो,त्यसमाथि सियो छ नि,
खेलै भयो,कुर्सी त्यही,हत्याउने मान्छे कस्ता।
डराएको,छैन सहीद, मरेकालाई मार्ने को छ?
तिनैलाई,घाँटी थिची,अँत्याउने मान्छे कस्ता।
सुरेश ज्योतिपुञ्ज
गजल - अरुनिम्ति रुन पाए, जाती हुन्थ्यो कति। घाऊ तिनै धुन पाए, जाती हुन्थ्यो कति
एउटा मनोचिकित्सक हुने लक्ष्य लिएको छु। समाजबाट अपहेलित ति तथाकथित 'मानसिक रोगी' सुन्दर मान्छेहरुप्रती भावपूर्ण समर्पण।तिनिहरु जो मेरो निम्ती कविता,गीत, गजल जत्तिकै सुन्दर छन।
Sunday, May 30, 2010
गजल भक्तको छ ठुलै लाम,दरबारमा हजुर। रमाउने तिनै बन्दुक,तरबारमा हजुर।
गजल- डम्फु मात्रै भाई,चारा गजब लाग्छ। आफु सङ्गै आज,सारा गजब लाग्छ।
Saturday, May 29, 2010
गजल सम्झिएर आँफैलाई, रोउँ जस्तो लाग्थ्यो। यादलाई तस्बिरै थ्यो,छोउँ जस्तो लाग्थ्यो।.............


Here we have,
Another new man,
Of a different kind,
Half dead half alive.
Half sane, half insane.
Half seen, half blind
Unlike all those fakes,
Mistakes he makes,
From them he learns,
No more weapons,
Humanity at stake,
he shall save.
Correct that mistake.
A new superhero.
World at crime,
He will make fine.
Save this timeline.
All those in the chains.
Set them all free.
do believe ,do agree.
He doesn't crawl,
Not a spiderman.
He doesn't fight,
Not a batman.
He doesn’t fly,
Not a superman.
He doesn't kill.
Not an ironman.
He doesn't shoot,
Not a hitman.
He thinks.
He speaks.
World be at peace,
A moment of bliss.
Of a different kind,
Half dead, half alive.
Half sane, half insane.
Half visible, half blind
Mistakes he makes,
From them he learns,
No more weapons,
Humanity at stake,
he shall save.
Just the last chance,
To the ultimate superhero,
The new man-man.
Suresh Jyotipunja
nuwakot nepal

The Doctor and The Patient

I have so much to tell
h've been living in hell
All bad I can spell
But no good to smell
That I feel I am insane
Then he cries and says-
Help me doc please
I think for so long
It makes no sense
What is this life song?
Don't you cry dear,
I am so close, so near,
I will make it all clear.
You will no more fear.
Then doc cries and says-
I was living in hell.
I had so much to tell .
All bad I could smell.
And no good to spell.
I was the same, brother.
We look like each other.
I felt the same,
That I was insane.
But it made sense,
I got my life song.
So shall you brother
We are close, so near ,
We will make it all clear.
We will no more fear.
Then they hug and say-
We will sing together.
We will sing for each other
We are not insane.
We are the gifted.
We are the intelligent.
Friday, May 28, 2010
The Story Inside..........